In 2017, I worked with Pride in London to design the UI & UX of a companion app to that year's LGBTQ+ Pride Festival ⬎
Thousands of people downloaded the app and 76% of surveryed users said they were likely or very likely to recommend the app.
The app can be used to explore the huge range of events during the festival, find tickets, share events or get directions. You can track the parade procession on the map which includes a full line up of whos performing and where. Users can 'favourite' events they're interested to create a personal pride schedule, share events with friends and receive updates if venues or times change. The app makes any saved information or events available offline, just in case you get lost on the tube with no signal ⬎
Pride in London provide a platform for every part of London’s LGBT+ community to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues and campaign for the freedoms that will allow them to live their lives on a genuinely equal footing.
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